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Cultural Significance Of Red In Weddings

Red: A Symbol of Love, Passion, and Betrayal in Weddings

Cultural Significance of Red in Weddings

The color red holds a significant place in wedding ceremonies and festivities across cultures. In Indian weddings, red symbolizes love, passion, and purity.

The Red Wedding in "Game of Thrones"

The infamous "Red Wedding" in HBO's "Game of Thrones" is a prime example of the duality of red in weddings. Arranged by Lord Walder Frey as revenge against Robb Stark, the massacre remains one of the most shocking and treacherous events in television history.

Symbolic Meanings of Red

Across cultures, red is a bold and passionate color that evokes various symbolic meanings in weddings:

  • Love and desire
  • Excitement and joy
  • Passion and sensuality
