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1st Of May A Day Of Flowers And Gifts

Muguet Day in France: A Tradition of Good Luck

1st of May: A Day of Flowers and Gifts

On the 1st of May in France, it is customary to exchange bouquets of muguet, or lily of the valley, as a symbol of good luck. This tradition dates back to the 16th century, when King Charles IX offered his courtiers bouquets of muguet on the first day of May. The tradition has continued ever since, and today, muguet is a popular flower to give on this day.

Origins of the Tradition

The tradition of giving muguet on the 1st of May is believed to have its roots in an ancient Celtic festival that celebrated the arrival of spring. The Celts believed that muguet had magical powers, and they would often wear it to protect themselves from evil spirits. The Romans later adopted this tradition, and it eventually made its way to France.

In the 16th century, King Charles IX of France popularized the tradition of giving muguet on the 1st of May. Charles IX was a great admirer of muguet, and he often wore it in his buttonhole. He also ordered that muguet be planted in the gardens of the Louvre Palace.

The tradition of giving muguet on the 1st of May has continued to this day. Today, muguet is a popular flower to give on this day, and it is often used to decorate homes and offices.
